Change Management
Attend the 2025 Leadership Conference for LabOps professionals, where we redefine learning with practical, immersive sessions tailored to your needs.
From VPs to Lab Technicians, enhance your skills through real-world workshops and information sessions designed to address the unique challenges of lab management.
Elevate your career and lab's efficiency by implementing techniques for improved operations and innovation. Discover a new standard of excellence in LabOps, where actionable insights lead to tangible outcomes.
This event is for members only.
The Leadership Conference is designed with all learning styles in mind. Learn, discuss and then apply each part of our agenda.
Every attendee will leave with real world examples of ways to manage change within their organization.
Industry leaders will provide training how they manage change
Following each session we will break up to discuss and work together to understand the information
Use it or lose it. Our agenda includes active work sessions to apply what we just learned, get feedback and have to take back as a resource.
Connect with other members with more experience to learn and grow together.
Oct 8, 9, 10 2025
Happy Hour
Welcome & Introductions
Full day of info sessions and workshops
Half day session
Intensive training
Members Only Event
Prices will go up on June 1st